Dead Record Office

Steve Goodman, is known to some as the music producer Kode9 and man behind the label Hyperdub.  To others he is a lecturer at a university in London.

Last year Steve authored a book called  Sonic Warfare,  a history of sonic warfare and the politics of sound.  As a part of  AUDint, with Toby Heys, an electronic media artist, and John Cohrs, a recording engineer and artist, they present an  exhibition in NYC bringing another physical dimension to the printed word,  investigating the use of sound as a weapon, a tool to distress and coerce people into doing what ugly people want them to do.

Infrasound frequencies, those too low to be audible, are sometimes responsible for hauntings and ghost sightings, resonating with the eye to produce hallucinations and tingling, even raising hairs on the back of the neck. It is appropriate then that the centerpiece of the installation at Art in General is the Dead Record Office, more of a haunted shrine than an office, where recordings of Vietnamese ghosts wail and the walls are papered with album covers referring to the history of sonic disruption and warfare

More juice here

AUDint site is here

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